Gabriella Quercia, graduated in Architecture at the University of Florence, at the beginning of her working life, felt the need of rediscovering the beauty of craftsmanship, to be opposed to mass production ruling on contemporary society. She identified herself with William Morris' Arts and Crafts Movement, 1861, which advocated a return to the high standards of the past, thru the re-evaluation of craftsmanship, in order to create beautiful items.
Based on this idea, in 1988 she decided to give birth to Art Glass Studio, a workshop  specialized in Stained Glass, bringing in it both the theoretical background gained at the University and the practical experience done in the field of Stained Glass, initially in the U.S. and then in a prestigious atelier in Rome.
Gabriella Quercia met  the word of glass for the first time  in 1980 in Bethesda, Md. (USA), where she attended a few courses on Stained Glass. Once back in Italy, she got familiar with different techniques on glass: painting with grisailles, sandblasting, acid etching and engraving.
In recent years, she got involved in fusing glass, using this mean to create unique pieces, to be admired as autonomous work of art or to be installed in contemporary design lamps. Her attention was also captured by the beauty of Dichroic Glass, the peculiarities of which come out during the fusion process. Due to its unique properties, Dichroic Glass is perfect to create beads to be used in jewelery;  this led Gabriella Quercia to collaborate with a few Roman Goldsmiths, in order to create unusual  pieces of jewelery.
The work by Art Glass Studio is generally intended for private clients, but some of the most interesting projects were done for a few Catholic churches: Cattedrale di Capodimonte (VT), 1988; Chiesa di San Giovanni Apostolo, Grotte di Castro (VT), 1990-2001;  Chiesa di San Paolo, Celle sul Rigo (SI), 1999.